Treatment For Mange

Are there any home remedies for mange in dogs? There are several basic treatments you can try at home, many people seem to have had varying degrees of success and it may be down to how diligent you are with any ongoing treatment.

How to treat Dog Mange at Home

The last thing anyone would want is to assume that their beloved dog has one illness when it’s something else. Severe mange cases, particularly sarcoptic mange, don’t get better without prescribed medication from a pet veterinarian. Your vet may recommend topical or oral treatments – or both.

However, if you are in a situation where veterinary care is not accessible or readily available, you might consider trying home remedies. The important thing is to always keep your dog’s health and well-being at the front of your mind. If such home remedies don’t work, be ready to visit the veterinarian.

Topical Treatment for Mange in Dogs

A popular topical treatment for you to try at home is Happy Jack Sarcoptic Mange Medicine.

It is widely available online and when you read through the reviews this product would seem to be very successful without all the sales hype, just a good old fashioned product sensibly made. Containing Linseed oil, Pine tar oil and lanolin plus a few other ingredients it harps back to my Grandmothers day when cleaning and problem solving were simply something you got on with.

Head over to Amazon to check out the reviews for yourself and take a close look at the product, cheap as chips, no gimmicks and it works.

Happy Jacks,

A very useful product.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax solution

Sponge bathing your four-legged pal with a Borax and Hydrogen peroxide is a popular way of treating mange. The solution kills the mites and heals the sores. Applying the solution regularly helps rid of mange, and a weekly application may keep it from recurring.

Aloe Vera

Whether you opt to use the Aloe Vera plant directly or the bottled version, it helps soothe a dog’s infected skin. Applied evenly over the affected parts, this natural antiseptic has tons of anti-parasitic values that will help your pet feel better fast. 

You may want to use Aloe Vera after giving your dog a Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax bath. Note that if your dog eats the Aloe Vera, he may suffer from vomiting or diarrhea.

Lemon and Garlic Mix

The acidic properties of lemon kill not only the mites but also gives Fido, a glossy and neat coat. Lemon also prevents itching and redness. Being an anti-parasitic, garlic inhibits the activities of mites that cause mange.

Boil the two ingredients together, wait till the solution has cooled and apply it on your dog. 


Applying unflavored organic yoghurt has been used to treat a broad range of pet ailments. Acidophilus bacteria, the healthy bacteria found in yoghurt contains properties that help to combat skin irritation. 

Take some pure yoghurt and gently apply it to your dog’s ears to treat discharge and mange’s crusting. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Packed with incredible healing properties, ACV helps fight off the mange causing mites. Mix one tablespoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in your dog’s meal to cure the itchiness and redness associated with mange.

Vinegar can also be applied directly to your pet’s skin. If your dog has sensitive skin, you may want first to test a small area to ensure no reaction. Avoid the dog’s face is you are using a spray.


Honey has powerful healing properties, and you can use it for many ailments for both humans and animals. Honey’s antioxidant, antiseptic properties help heal the tender, sore skin while building up the immune system. 

Honey can be applied directly to the sore spots on the skin for mange treatment. It can also be used to cleanse the pet’s skin of bacteria and the dirt or grime associated with mange. 

Barbados Nut Oil

Also known as Jatropha cruces, Barbados nut oil is excellent for sarcoptic mange. The oil is insecticidal, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and effective, particularly when you mix it with products that contain Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia). Only useBarbados nut oil for external use.  

Olive Oil 

Some owners have reported success in controlling mild cases of localized mange using olive oil. Apply a thin layer of the oil to the affected areas of the dog’s skin. The oil helps to smother any mange mites present, re-moisturizes the skin, and also quells the itchiness.

Being completely harmless, olive oil is an excellent home remedy to try as it’s readily available. However, if dogs consume significant amounts of the oil, they may experience minor intestinal issues. Your biggest challenge will, therefore, be to prevent your dog from licking off the olive oil.

Mineral Oil 

Mineral oil is another good home remedy for mange in dogs. Ears are commonplace for mites, and mineral oil kills the mites on the skin surface. The face and ears are sensitive areas, and tending to them separately is recommended. Mineral oil is gentle in such sensitive areas. 

Any home remedies to avoid?

Do not try any home remedies which involve chemicals before consulting a pet professional.

Some pet owners have tried using kerosene or motor oil to treat mange and other skin conditions. Although these treatments are thought to suffocate the mites and kill them, they can be irritating to the dog’s skin, and he may lick it off. Ingestion may cause stomach issues, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

Can humans get dog mange from a dog?

Yes, but most of the time, parasites and infectious diseases are relatively species-specific. For example, sarcoptic mites can only complete their full life cycles on dogs or other animals. However, you can still contract scabies from your dog. Consequently, you may suffer from itching and rashes. Nevertheless, the variety of mites common in dogs can only infest humans for a few weeks before your immune system clears it. 

If you suspect your dog has sarcoptic mange, keep him off shared furniture, avoid very close contact, especially with kids, and wash their bedding. Wash your hands after treating or touching pets who have mange to prevent infection. 

Be aware that humans have their version of scabies, but it’s not spread by animals such as dogs or cats, although the symptoms are also severe and require treatment. If you suspect you have scabies, seek immediate medical treatment. The doctor will prescribe medications, “scabacides,” which kill both the mites and their eggs.

Boosting the dog’s immunity with proper nutrition

Healthy dogs with good immunity are better placed to resist and fight parasitic infections. Mange can be prevented by keeping your dog’s immune system healthy with well-balanced and proper nutrition.

Consider adding dietary supplements that can help in relieving itching while boosting his immune system. Colostrum, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, and MCT oil are helpful products. Giving him extra vitamin C, D and A also help in boosting immunity.

Before you make any dietary changes for your pet, first consult with your veterinarian or a certified animal dietician. This ensures the dog is being fed on a well-rounded diet.

This will help your dog to heal quicker and more successfully.

You can also try other topical products that soothe skin irritation such as RX 4 Pets Dog & Cat Skin Irritation Shampoo & Conditioner. RX 4 Pets is made with organic, homoeopathic, and natural ingredients. This is a premium-quality product that features colloidal oatmeal that helps treat a variety of skin conditions, including mange. 


Mange is contagious and can be quite severe on pets. If you suspect your dog has the condition, schedule a vet appointment to get a professional diagnosis. Even as you try the above home remedies, it’s wise to consult a veterinarian because even a mild case of mange can snowball. 

Decontaminate your home to avoid re-infestation. Also, consider giving your preferred topical remedies to all your dogs, including those showing no symptoms.  

Though demodex and sarcoptic are the more severe types of mites, there is another one that causes mange-like problems. Known as Cheyletiella yasguri mites, they cause Cheyletiellosis or “walking dandruff.” Rarely does this condition cause the intense itching common with the other two types of mange. Cheyletiellosis is often easy to eradicate using topical, over-the-counter, flea treatments.