What Small dogs do not shed hair?

  • By: Mick Whitefield
  • Time to read: 8 min.

If you are looking for a small dog that does not shed hair and is considered to be Hypoallergenic then we have a list that can help you.

We know that some people simply don’t like having dog hair everywhere around the house and for a few these sometimes unseen hairs can be a real health issue, inflaming allergies that sometimes people are unaware of.

For those people that have allergies to dog hairs and as such find it difficult to live with a dog that is constantly shedding hair all over the house, there are a several lists of so called hypoallergenic dogs.

In this list we have concentrated on a list of small lap dogs that will not make a mess of your lap or your house.

What small dogs don’t shed hair?

  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Dachsund
  • Poodle
  • Shih Tzu
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Boston Terrier
  • Maltese Bichon
  • Havanese
  • Westie (West Highland Terrier)
  • Bichon Frise
  • Basenji
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  • Sealyham Terrier

What small dogs do not shed hair?

Here is a list of the 13 best small dogs breeds that don’t shed hair



The  Yorkshire Terriers or Yorkies are small dogs with great personalities. Although they have long hairs, they do not shed hair. Their long fur requires regular maintenance and brushing to keep it  free from tangles and dirt. The Yorkies as they are affectionately known can easily form a strong bond of friendship with family members.

They have a  very extroverted and very sociable personality. They are always on alert and are known to be territorial, so they can be good watch dogs. They can bark out loud, even in the smallest sign of danger or the presence of intruders.

See more on the Yorkie here.



Dachshunds have large drooping ears, long bodies, short legs and warm eyes, they are generally very tender dogs for anyone who meets them. They come in three different hair types, short or smooth hair, fine hair and long or wire hair. Be careful here, the long haired Dachshund can shed some hair and needs regular grooming, however the other varieties do not shed any hair.

They are generally very friendly, love being around people, and they are good watchdogs because they are naturally distrustful of strangers .



The Poodle is the ideal dog for people with allergies, since they almost never shed hair. They have a dense, shiny, curly coat and need to be regularly cared for to keep their fur free from tangles. They tend to have an affectionate and loving nature allowing a strong bond with members of the family. They are excellent watchdogs, are constantly alert and quick to bark what they consider to be a threat.


Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu has long silky hair but is considered non- propagating. However, the double layers of long smooth hair need to be maintained regularly to prevent tangles. A visit to the groomers every 6 to 8 weeks may be necessary to keep the hair manageable.

For the likes of Crufts Dog Show they are often seen with very long hair, but this takes a lot of work to maintain. I keep mine shorn and they take very little work to maintain.

 Often, many Shih Tzu owners choose to cut the hair on their legs , particularly if they do not have the time and patience to do daily brushing. This little dog is extremely lovable and trusting,full of enthusiasm for a fuss and can be a good watchdog . Without a recognized leader of the pack , they can develop the so-called ” small dog syndrome “, which can make them behave as if they were the head of the household, so a firm hand is sometimes necessary, but that said they are great with kids.


five month old miniature schnauzer puppy

The Miniature Schnauzer were bred to keep away rats and mice in the house. They are very affectionate and have excellent watchdog skills and are also excellent domestic companions . Their coat is a fine hair. They almost never shed hair, making them good pets for people who are prone to allergies . Most owners of the miniature Schnauzers prefer to have their hair cut closed to the body except for their beard, legs, eyebrows and moustache.


Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is affectionately called the “American Gentleman”. They have a layer of short, soft hair that can be easy to maintain. It does not have a strong smell of canine and shedding hair is relatively insignificant . This breed loves to be surrounded by people. They can be ideal for those who live in an apartments, because they are quite calm, not generally very noisy when it comes to barking. They are however playful little characters when encouraged.

Here you will find lots more information on the Boston Terrier.


Maltese Bichon

The Maltese Bichon is a wonderful small breed that has very long and silky hair and yet it does not shed its hair. Its long coat requires regular brushing to prevent tangles or alternatively you can have them shorn every 6 to 8 weeks.

If you are going to keep the hair long it will need regular brushing to avoid knots and tangles and in the winter may need a coat or regular showers after walking.

They are generally very intelligent, but the Maltese Bichon can have a stubbornness that can sometimes make it a challenge when training.

It can be a highly excitable breed and will often face off dogs that are larger than themselves, thus you will need a firm hand as the owner.



The hair of this breed is beutifully silky and wavy and require good regular grooming. This is another breed with a double layer coat, however unlike other races with a double coating , the layer outside is soft and light .

Its thin and light coat allows for protection in extreme climatic conditions .

They are a social breed needing constant company which makes them ideal for the elderly owner. The other side to this is that they are excellent with children. They have a high degree of intelligence are easy to train and teach tricks to or they will simply sit on your lap and be a great companion.

They have a high  level of alertness making them either good guard dogs or helping dogs for the hard of hearing.

9 . WESTIES (West Highland Terrier).


The Westie is another breed with a two layer coat, the outer layer can be straight or wavy yet smooth and soft. Despite this their coat is hardy and weather resistant. The inner layer of coat is short and very soft . The hair shedding is insignificant and you will not end with a mess on your carpets or furniture.

They usually work very well for those people who have a tendency towards allergies.

When outside these dogs are energetic small dogs with instinctive hunting skills. Indoors they will happily sit while you and dress them up or tie bows in their hair making them ideal pets for kids.

Their coat does require regular brushing to avoid knots, but will happily sit while you do it.


Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise has a layer of thick wavy hair, very similar to a poodle but generally lighter to the touch. They do not shed hairs at all but do need to be brushed every day.

A visit to the dog groomer may be needed evry 6 to 8 weeks for either shaping or just simply maintenanvce to keep it short as if left to grow it can appear to look like a walking snowball.

You can have your Bichon Frise cut close to their body for the least maintenance, or you can puff them out like a cloud.

They are kind and loving pets that can easily be trusted with children and  strangers. Although they are not  propagators, some are prone to suffering from skin disorders that can lead to unsightly bald spots and skin irritations .


Basenji dog

Also known as the Congo Terrier , this breed is a soft, muscular and athletic dog. The short hair layer needs little maintenance. You may be surprised to learn that Basenji is the only dog ​​breed that does not bark! However as it can’t they can sometimes make other strange noises.

This dog is attentive , affectionate, energetic and curious . Like many dogs, it needs constant attention and can be difficult to train if you don’t have a firm hand.

Read our A to Z page on the Basenji

12. Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Typical Dandie Dinmont Terrier with a Top Knot

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a very distinctive look with its Topknot head of hair, but have no fear this little dog will not leave his fur all over the house, although you may have to have him groomed or comb him to stop his fur from knotting.

See our page about the history of this cute little dog hailing from Scotland.

13. Sealyham Terrier

Distinctive and cute Sealyham Terriers

The Sealyham Terrier known also as The Cowley or The Welsh Border Terrier is a fantastic little dog, great for families and seniors, yet many people are unaware of this friendly happy little breed.

Although he will require some regular grooming you will not find dog hairs everywhere, take a look at our Sealyham information page for this wonderful breed of lap dog.

Characteristics of dogs that do not shed hair.

First of all, it’s important to note that in general, all dogs lose some hair, even in minimal or practically imperceptible quantities. However some breeds or cross breeds have certain characteristics that make their fur almost completely retentive and are thus considered as dogs that do not lose hair .

It should be noted here however that the fact that a dog does not lose hair does not necesarrily mean that it is hypoallergenic. For more information on this see our article on Hypoallergenic Breeds.

Now, what are the characteristics of dogs that do not shed hair?

The dogs with very short hair often give off a minimum amount  because of its length .Only a very slight hair loss is observed during the shedding of hair, which takes place during the spring and autumn .

Dogs with curly hair and a texture similar to wool do not change hair and  therefore , do not lose it . This fact makes these dogs  characterized as having a coat that never stops growing .

To avoid unpleasant knots or excess heat, it is recommended that these dogs are brushed regularly and are taken to the hairdresser in order to trim any excess hair.

There are breeds of dogs that  do not shed hair at all, which makes them suitable companions for people who are allergic and/or sensitive. These particular breeds are often referred to as hypoallergenic.

The saliva, urine, dandruff and hair of a dog can cause reactions such as itching or even asthmatic attacks in some sensitive and allergic people, so it is important to learn about the different breeds of dogs that do not release too much hair if this applies to you or your family.

Related Questions:-

Which breeds of dogs shed a lot of hair.


  • Bernese Mountain Dog .
  • German shepherd .
  • Newfoundland .
  • Golden Retriever .
  • Alaskan Malamute .
  • Chow Chow

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